Saturday, May 31, 2008

Medieval Sourcebook: Legislation Affecting the Jews from 300 to 800 CE

Medieval Sourcebook: Legislation Affecting the Jews from 300 to 800 CE: "Medieval Sourcebook:
Legislation Affecting the Jews from 300 to 800 CE

The compilation which follows is from the appendices of James Parkes: The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue: A Study in the Origins of Antisemitism, (New York: JPS, 1934). The reference C.T. refers to the Code Theodosianus; C.J. refers to the Corpus Juris Civilis of Justinian. Both these codes compiled earlier laws, and it is from the texts of these compilations that the earlier legal history can be established.


Laws of Constantine r. 311-337

C.T., 16.8.1; to Evagrius, 18.x.315.
On converts to Judaism and to Christianity.

C.T., 16.8 .3; to the Officials at Cologne, I I xii .321.
With certain exceptions Jews are to be called to the Decurionate.

C.T., 16.8.2; to Ablavius the Pretorian Prefect, 29.xi.330
On the relation of Jews to the Decurionate.

C.T., 16.8.4; to the Jewish Priests, Rabbis, Elders and other authorities, I xii.331.
Immunities of synagogue authorities."

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