Thursday, March 13, 2008

With our powerful intentention and will !

With our powerful intentention and will !: "published in 2002.

Inquiries are being made regarding Ayhan Doyuk for child support. He has
never taken responsibility for financial support of his child but has deliberately
affected the loss of income for his child’s mother. What man can be honored
as highly respected who does not regard his responsibility of a father?

Through our case to seek justice we found the articles in Discovery DSalud.
This information has enlightened our attorneys, government agencies, and us
with significant evidence to Ayhan Doyuk’s activities. This evidence has shed
additional light on other situations were Ayhan Doyuk has jeopardized lives of
sincere individuals who have fallen victims of conspiracy.

This manipulating conspiracy thrives on defrauding others ideas and finances
to better himself without intent to help the cause he claims to support.

If you or anyone connected to your magazine, or other affiliates is on the
path of truth all points of information should be fully reviewed and evaluated.

Information sent to you is compiling evidence to reveal the pattern of events
that strategically is being accomplished.

Your attention to this information should be taken seriously since you should
consider the fact your position could be a matter of “ harboring from


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