Thursday, March 13, 2008

With our powerful intentention and will !

With our powerful intentention and will !: "WERE YOU NOT ASKED TO GO TO THE DANCE

> I appreciate the service from you in helping my daughter.
> I am Terry Welch.

Hi Terry

> I created, developed and sell the health formulas; not Ayhan Doyuk.
> I know you have made a stand regarding them but I would be happy to
> send some to you as a gift. Let me know.

Thanks for the offer but I have no desire for such things.

> I am the sole owner of Perfect Science AD not Ayhan Doyuk; he
> never owned this company. The website Perfect Science is owned
> by Nancy Welch. (If possible on your website put location as USA
> take off Glenwood. She is a senior and has been affected by
> these attacks.)

The cronological notes on my site are intended to be a contemporaneous
record but I would be willing to do the following edit if it is in
accordance with Nancy's wishes:

Registered address: xxxx, IL, US
Registered address: XXXXXXXX, XX, US [obscured on request, DATE]

If you would like to persue this then here is how it goes:

1) You specify an email address
2) I send an email to that address"

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